
Useful Resources


Check out our Resources below, and keep an eye on this space. To help you get started, you will find print versions and translations of the appeal at the bottom of this page. We have also listed some of the campaigns that are actively working to get cities on board, per country. Soon, we'll be sharing some of the experiences of campaigners around the world and how they got their cities on board.

  • The ICAN Cities Appeal is available here in three languages: English, Spanish and French (but check with us about ICAN partner translations!)



  • Visual Materials: We've collected some visual materials which you might find useful for social media.


  • Template email / letter: A simple letter can go a long way in getting a local authority to take a stand for nuclear disarmament. Here's a template for a letter you could send to your city or town, but it's always best to adapt it to your local context as far as necessary.


  • Social Media